Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions - Sponsors
Q: What levels of sponsorship do you offer, and How does a company become a sponsor?
A: Please contact to discuss available packages.
Q: I’ve been a sponsor for last event. Do you have a continuity partner program discount?
A: Our remit is to build long term, collaborations with key players in the Cloud space.
If you are are an existing client and would like to discuss sponsoring our 2014 event again this year, please contact today.
Q: If signed up, but unable to participate, can we transfer it to the next event?
A: Inventories are tight and time is short, so we are only accepting commitments for our CS’14 event. If this is outside your scope, we encourage you to sign up to next event instead.
Q: What are the advantages of becoming a sponsor vs just exhibitor?
A: We are striving to satisfy our clients and provide more value!
We can provide unprecedented impact and generate huge levels of brand awareness, visibility and exposure. Additionally, sponsors have right of first acceptance on headline and keynote inventories - which are prime time sessions that reach the peak and prime levels of attendance.
Also, sponsors can benefit from highly desirable lead / demand generation deliverables which yield invaluable, quantifiable and measurable ROI. We have different levels of sponsor packages designed with your budget, outcome and objectives in mind. We can work with you to determine which package best fits your needs and capabilities. We can also work with you to define a tailored approach, to ensure that we secure the natural fit for you.
To find out more about our sponsorship opportunities entail, please contact
Q: What do you look for in sponsor presentations?
A: Sponsor presentations must be on-topic in keeping with the theme of the conference scope. Being a sponsor does not mean that you can present a Sales and marketing pitch. Cloud Slam attendees and members of the community are looking to our sponsors to bring thought leadership to the topic. We find that sponsors who bring a thought-provoking topic expert resonate best with our members and the broader cloud community.
Q: What are other ways for Sponsors to push their message?
A: We offer a dedicated Cloud content portal - Vertical Cloud where we offer all materials from our live events, special interviews, articles, and videos featuring members, regular written and video blog entries updating members on developments in Cloud Computing. As part of our content proliferation program, we offer sponsors the opportunity to distribute content to our members through our website and to event attendees / registrants. This gives sponsors the chance to share with our members through white papers, checklists, videos, etc.
Q: How many people attend your events?
A:We have seen incremental growth event over event, year over year. Currently we see around 400 - 500 high caliber attendees attend in person, with in excess of 20,000 attendees tuning in virtually.
Frequently Asked Questions - Attendees
Q: There is no place in the registration process to put in a discount code like: 1234-QAAA-38-8MRL. I think other people will have the same concern.
A: Please locate and click on hyperlink with words 'Enter Discount Code' (under 'Donation more info June 04, 2014 Enter amount ($)' ).
You should see text form field with label 'If you have a discount code, enter it here'. Put your discount code there.
Q: Unfortunately there is no way in conducting any registration on this page. All it shows is "Thank you for your interest in Cloud Slam 2014. For group discounts, please send request to". No information about pricing and registration form.
If this is a browser problem that it does not work in either Firefox or Internet Explorer.
A: This might happen because of disabled Javascript support in your browser. Please try on another workstation or contact us at
Q: If I register, will I be able to view the presentations/keynotes after the event? I might miss some of them due to the time-zone difference.
A: Registration fee gives full access to all presentations and panels during and after event. We'll try to make files both downloadable and streamable as long as possible.
Q: Will the recorded seminars download to my desktop for review by me at a later, more convenient date, after the two month download period?
A: Registered attendees will have access to downloadable version of all sessions as long as possible. Attendee can also request to purchase conference proceedings on DVD.
Q: What does the cost of the conference cover? Is it just the ability to connect? Or does it include ability to access the presentations after the event?
A: Registration fee gives full access to all presentations and panels during and after event, Breakfast, Lunch and access to networking drinks reception.
Q: Could you please tell us if it's appropriate to use a single registration for a conference room with multiple attendees?
A: Yes, it is appropriate. We had large corporations like Boeing watching session in large auditorium on big screen.
Q: Is there something like attendance certificate for attendees?
A: Yes, organizing committee can send confirmation letters for conference attendee organization upon request, after payment of registration fee.
Q: Do I need to install special software to watch the conference virtually? Or does it all work through the browser?
A: Typically, all you need to attend sessions is commonly used web browser.
Q: I enjoyed the conference very much, and am hoping that the presentation materials and perhaps the audio recordings will be made available. There are specific events that I would like to replay. Do you know when it will be available?
A: We will make event recordings available with 3-4 weeks after the event. All attendees and presenters will receive notification by e-mail. If you are not registered to attend, but want to get access to recordings, please visit and
Q: I don't see my question answered here. What do I do?
A: Our staff will be happy to answer your question. Please send your question to and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Cloud Slam Sponsors
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